When you are considering a house purchase it is very easy to get swept up in the moment and you can easily get carried away with all sorts of ideas. Many different parties get involved and you need to always…
Do your Homework if you’re Buying Abroad
After the several ‘Beast from the east’s’ which we have had, many of will have dreamt of living in a hot country. Unless you are of retirement age, don’t have any dependants and you have saved enough money over the…
Should You Stretch Affordability
As a first time buyer or any buyer for that matter you will likely question, ‘how much can I borrow?’ A potentially more apt question is to ask yourself ‘how much can I afford?’ These are both fantastic questions to…
Payment Free Mortgages for the over 55’s
Most people with a mortgage will have always had it in mind that they wanted it paid off by the time they retire. There is, however, a type of mortgage that you can have for the rest of your life…
Considerations If Renting A Property To A Family Member
If you are considering investing in a property with the intention of renting it to a family member you need to be weary of a few things. It is likely at some point in our lives we have ‘borrowed’…
What To Look Out For When Buying A Property
The first rule you should give yourself when property hunting is, do not get too attached to a property. Yes you need to be able to see yourself living in the property but don’t let that idea run away with…
Put Your Eggs In Different Baskets
When it comes to being a sensible investor, one of the first rules is not to put all of your eggs in the same basket. Where possible, you should try and put your eggs in as many different baskets as…
Reasons to Downsize
Many strive to accumulate wealth throughout their lives via ‘trading up’ to larger and more valuable properties. Once they are ‘winding down’ towards retirement, down valuing (and usually downsizing) for many may seem like the next logical step throughout their…
Invest With Your Head Not Your Heart
When you are looking at potential investment properties, it is a totally different scenario to when you look for a property to live in. It doesn’t matter about that brand spanking new kitchen, nice decoration and a location which you…
The Buy-To-Let Goldilocks Zone
We all know the story of Goldilocks and The Three Bears, but you may not have heard of the lesser known sequel Goldilocks and The Three Buy-To-Let Investment Properties. The first property she bought was too expensive. She found…